About Us

About us

Takeaway Voucher stands as the sole dedicated platform exclusively designed for the marketing needs of food eateries.


Founded by Ajmol, Takeaway Voucher traces its roots back to Ajmol's early days as a leafleter for a local takeaway. His initial exposure ignited a passion for takeaway marketing, leading to the establishment of Takeaway Voucher in 2022.

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Ajmol, with the backing of his family and friends, envisioned creating a go-to destination for individuals seeking takeaways, especially those on the lookout for online 'offers.' Through interactions with local takeaways, the importance of this concept became evident, establishing it as a central hub for takeaway marketing. This platform enables businesses to streamline marketing, build customer loyalty, and draw in new customers through the provision of exclusive deals.


Join us in our mission to empower small businesses and revolutionize the landscape of takeaway marketing.


For inquiries, assistance, partnerships, or endorsements, feel free to reach out to us at


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